5/6 SSG Sportshall Athletics (CHICHESTER)Close Window

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There is a maximum of 12 school teams and have seating for all competitors and some spectators. The winning school will advance to the School Games Sportshall WSW Area finals WEDNESDAY 26TH JANUARY 2022 @TRS.

This competition has been added to the school games and therefore has no cost.

The competition will follow the standard Sportshall format, including all track and field events.  This is a mixed event for boys and girls in Yr 5/6.  A team should consist of a minimum of 9 girls and 9 boys, maximum of 15 girls and 15 boys being permitted. They may compete in a maximum of two track and two field events.

For more detailed information about the individual events taking place on the day, please visit the resources section of the Sportshall website.  http://www.sportshall.org/VTL/Downloads.aspx