SSP 2/3/4 TAG Rugby FestivalClose Window

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This competition is an SSP wide event and is available to any school. Schools will be invoiced by the SSP for the attendance of this event at the end of term. Any school with a package recevie the SSP rate:  x1 team=£50, x2 teams=£75, x3 teams = £100.

Non package schools: 1 team= £100, 2 teams= £125, 3 teams= £150

This event is non-competitve and children will learn tag rugby skills and drills as well playing non-competitive matches.

Max squad size is 12, with 8 players on the pitch.  4 of these 12 players MUST be male or female. Schools are welcome to bring more than one squad, but will need to book each squad separately on the website and name it: school team 2 etc.