WSW SSP Welcome


The West Sussex West School Sport Partnership is dedicated to support schools and their pupils with PE and school sport.  Now more than ever with these uncertain times, physical education and physical activity have huge importance.  Pupils will have suffered during this crisis physically and emotionally and PE & school sport have the essential attributes to support children.

The WSW SSP was, and is still, perfectly placed to support schools.  With over 10 years of experience working with schools, the organisation maintains its objectives of giving schools and pupils everything they need to succeed.  The WSW SSP services, products and programmes enhance school PE & school sport.  Training teachers to deliver fun, active, safe, high quality PE lessons. Helping develop children’s life skills using sport and enjoyment.

To access these services please contact Sean O’Connor: School Sport Partnership Manager.

[email protected]

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Latest News

  • Virtual Athletics Launch!

    Virtual Athletics Launch!

    Released: 5th October 2020

    Get involved with the Virtual School Games Atheltics competition! Vist the events or resoruces section to access the full information and resources needed to get involved

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  • National Fitness Day! Cross Country

    National Fitness Day! Cross Country

    Released: 21st September 2020

    Wednesday 23rd Sept is national fitness day. The WSW are launching the first virtual competition of the year. The cross country.

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